Monday, April 27, 2020

Clean Eating - Clean Eating Mushroom Stroganoff recipes - High-Fiber

Clean Eating - Clean Eating Mushroom Stroganoff recipes - High-Fiber, - Looking for Clean Eating Mushroom Stroganoff recipes, then a person found the right location . This Awesome Clean Eating Mushroom Stroganoff recipes Recipe surely may bright every day . It is usually easy to create, plus do not need expended a lot of moment . Also you can obtain the ingredient near you quickly . #Clean #Eating #Mushroom #Stroganoff #recipes #High-Fiber #

Clean Eating Mushroom Stroganoff recipes


4 cups brown rice (GF) or whole wheat short pasta, uncooked (I used fusilli)
1 large onion, chopped
3 tbsp butter, salted
3 lbs brown mushrooms, small whole and large halved (washed)
2 cups chicken broth, low sodium
2 tbsp non-GMO cornstarch
1 cup Greek yogurt, plain (I used 2%)
1 1/4 tsp salt
1/4 tsp ground black pepper
1/4 cup parsley or dill, finely chopped

Nutrition : 4 Servings

  - Fat : 16g / 24%
  - Carbs : 107g / 36%
  - Protein : 31g / 62%


Go through how to make this particular Clean Eating Mushroom Stroganoff recipes in this article below:
Click Here - Clean Eating Mushroom Stroganoff recipes

Tags: Egg-Free #Peanut-Free #Tree-Nut-Free #Soy-Free #Fish-Free #Shellfish-Free #Pork-Free #Red-Meat-Free #Crustacean-Free #Celery-Free #Mustard-Free #Sesame-Free #Lupine-Free #Mollusk-Free #Alcohol-Free # Cautions: #Gluten #Wheat #Sulfites #

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